
Lilac color

Hello, this is Shohei.

When I went back to my parents' house the other day, I looked through the desk drawer and closet in my room that I used to use until I left my parents' house. I found textbooks and notebooks that I used to use when I was a student, which made me feel nostalgic, and I found myself looking at them for hours.

I am sure everyone has experienced the feeling of nostalgia when cleaning a room and finding a graduation album or something nostalgic that you used to use, forgetting about time.

While feeling nostalgic, I will write a blog about the words that were on my notebook, because they have stuck with me now. (I forgot what class notes they were from.) Oh, by the way, the school is a fashion school.

I'm talking about a fashion school, I didn't have any strong feelings or goals like I want to be able to make my own clothes, I want to be a stylist, or becoming a designer. I just thought fashion was cool and sparkling. So, I studied at the Fashion Business Department learn broad range of fashion industry because of my love for clothes.

This is a bit off topic, but something that stuck with me when I looked at my notes.

"When the economy is booming, bright, vivid, unique colors are tend to be popular. On the other hand, the economy is in a slump, safe, basic, and secure achromatic colors are popular."

The note said like this. I don't remember the details...but I recently wear safe colors like black, gray and white. It is indeed mode, sophisticated and cool, but I was the one who unconsciously chose clothes that were safe and easy to match even though the economy has not been bad. 

Plus, I want to write about a customer who came to the store last weekend who said something wonderful similar to the above.

He told me that he fell in love with clothes during the pandemic.
"Since the COVID started to spread, I have been working from home and seeing less and less people, and I naturally felt depressed. During the time I spent at home, my friends were absorbed in their hobbies, but I had no hobbies of my own.

When I was feeling so gloomy, I suddenly decided to brighten up what I wear, and from there I fell in love with clothes. I used to wear only black clothes, so I decided to start thinking about color combinations. As I tried various cloths, I got obsessed with it, and the brighter the things I wore, the brighter my feelings became."

On that day, he enjoyed trying on so many clothes, and said "I will keep trying new styles and colors because it never bother others even if I made mistakes!" when he finished shopping.

I was so impressed.

"Choosing clothes because it's easy to match" is ok, but I want to enjoy my time thinking, "I want to wear this, so how do I match it?" 


Lilac, this season's theme color, is calm, gentle, noble and elegant, yet somehow juvenile.

The ambiguity of lilac has a uniqueness of Japanese aesthetic.

"How will I match it?"

Thank you!

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