Hi this is Shohei.
Thanks to you all, KUON Flagship Store is celebrating its third anniversary this month.
When we opened the store, we all were suffered from COVID, and we experienced weeks with no customers...However, we are having busy days after the COVID time. We appreciate your support on us.
We would like to express our gratitude to you by holding a two-day event on September 23 and 24 to celebrate our third anniversary.
Here are the details.
Botchiri-ya "Hanaka" in KUON Flagship Store

As you might know of the bar since I mentioned in this blog. They are going to be in our store to provide special drinks prepared for our third anniversary. Actually, the drinks are still under development. Let's see what they are like at the event.
Instagram: @botchiriya_hanaka
The second one is...
COATACO×KUON Flagship Store
COATACO, the taco cater that opened at KUON Flagship Store during the Golden Week this year, will be back with carnitas and a new one, garlic shrimps.
We welcome anyone
Of course, soft drinks are available as well. We would like you to enjoy the event while eating tacos and drinks! Come and visit us with your friends!
We'll keep doing our best to make our store much more attractive!
Again, thank you for your support on us!!
<The third Anniversary event of KUON Flagship Store>
From Noon to 8pm on Sat. 23 and Sun. 24 of September