"Hare" and "Ke"

"Hare" and "Ke"

Describing a traditional Japanese concept, “Hare and Ke” deriving ideas from festivities in Iwate such as Chagu Chagu Umako and Sansa Odori in contrast to ordinally lives. We believe that fashion is not only for Hare, but also for making our daily lives happy. “Hare” and “Ke” is a traditional Japanese concept. Ke refers to ordinary things or activities we do every day, on the other hand, Hare refers things and activities out of ordinary like festivals and rituals. Traditionally, the balance between those 2 aspects have maintained Japanese lives. Working hard on the ordinary (ke) and looking forward to the out-of-the-ordinary (hare) is how Japanese have survived our rather stressful social life. Furthermore, the ordinally daily lives makes out-of-the-ordinally ones more enjoyable. 

Hi, this is Shohei.

This is the concept of the Spring / Summer 2024 "Hare and Ke".

"Ordinary" and "Out-of-the-ordinary"

KUON Flagship Store

In the concept, it is said that "Working hard on the ordinary (ke) and looking forward to the out-of-the-ordinary (hare)". I feel the strength and richness of mind, and even seriousness in the traditional worldview of the Japanese people, who used their own judgment to delimit the vague boundary between the invisible "ordinary" and the "out-of-the-ordinary" and to keep it balanced.

The sake we drink when we get together at milestones is more special and enjoyable than the sake we drink when we get together after work.  It  seems that I have inherited the traditional values well.

From another point of view, it is because of the "daily lives" of the people at the transportation facilities and inns that we are able to enjoy "out-of-the-ordinary" travel to the fullest. Someone's "out-of-the-ordinary" life is someone else's "ordinary" life.

Furthermore, "out-of-the-ordinary" exists within the "ordinary" as well. In my case, when I replace the pile of salt at the entrance of our store with a new one before opening, I naturally switch my mind to a new feeling and think "I feel good" and "Let's do my best today". It is "ordinary" but "out-of-the-ordinary".

In these days of diverse values and cultures, the blurring of "ordinary" and "out-of-the-ordinary" is further progressing, and I think people perceive it in totally different ways.

Is KUON "ordinary" for you?
Or is it "out-of-the-ordinary"?

KUON Flagship Store

No need to say, KUON and the flagship Store are "ordinary" for me. However, But for many of you, KUON is "ordinary" and "out-of-the-ordinary". To check our Instagram and website, it is "ordinary" for you I hope. Is it already "out-of-the-ordinary"?

You go to bed thinking, "I'm going to the KUON store tomorrow", "What should I wear today?" you go through your closet, "What road should I take?" When you spend your precious time off thinking about things like this, you may already be in an "extraordinary" state of mind.

And from the moment you open the massive antique door at the end of the hustle and bustle from the station, and stepping stones to the store, you will certainly feel "out-of-the-ordinary".

KUON Flagship Store

Then, how far is the "out-of-the-ordinary" part of the journey back home while basking in the afterglow of your shopping experience? Past the lanterns? To the train station? Or until you open the door to your home?

I know it depends, but we want the "out-of-the-ordinary" to last as long as possible. Hopefully, when you wear your purchased KUON items, you will be reminded of the "extraordinary". In other words, we want KUON to create the "extraordinary" within your "ordinary".

Items that evoke a sense of "Hare to Ke"

The concept "Hare and Ke", with its aforementioned ambiguity, is the season's theme.

Suminagashi, Japanese marbling" which appears in the first look, is a coloring that symbolizes "hare," but also expresses the ambiguity of the concept.


The Sakiori woven with yukata for the Sansa Odori captures the air of an easily recognizable "extraordinary" event. However, by interspersing such "hare" details with "ke" styles such as sweatshirts and T-shirts, it becomes ambiguous whether they are "hare" or "ke".

Sakiori Sweatshirt

This is a reversible jacket that combines the two sides of "Hare" and "Ke" in one.reversible blouson

Please enjoy not only the design at a glance, but also the design that does not show on the surface. Like, is this a "hare" or a "ke", or are both expressed, or perhaps it looks like "hare" but could be "ke"...Such duality and ambiguity is also an interesting aspect of the Japanese sense of beauty that KUON is based out of.  

Well, please experience the "out-of-the-ordinary" at our store. We will do our best on our "ordinary" to provide you an "extraordinary".

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