"Belted CHINO Pants" from SS21 collection

"Belted CHINO Pants" from SS21 collection

Hi guys,

I'm Shohei Hasegawa, newly joined KUON as a store manager. I will be writing about KUON products as well as about myself at here, so please stay tuned as long as time permits.

With the state of emergency declared, it may be difficult for you to visit us casually, but I would be happy to talk with you about more than just our products when you visit us.


Well, today I would like to introduce "Belted CHINO Pants" from our SS21 collection which recently arrived. They have been constantly released from FW19 season with different fabrics and minor adjustments. Now they are a kind of our signature pants. 



Belted CHINO Pants (Ivory)

Belted CHINO Pants

Belted CHINO Pants (Charcoal)


They are in 2 colors, Ivory and Charcoal.

Both colors are elegant and less masculine than usual chinos, and the densely woven fabric gives them a glossy and sexy look. These styles are popular among KUON members. As I see them in these styles, I also got to be pulled in by the beautiful shape.

They are very comfortable to wear as they are roomy from hip, thigh to knee parts.

The shape is tapered toward the hems, which not only makes you look in shape, but also makes you look elegant no matter what tops you wear.

In addition, the length is a little cropped, which makes shoes show off. It means you can enjoy wearing various shoes with these pants. I wear a variety of shoes, from low-cut sneakers to boots, so I enjoy coordinating with them every day.

The designer, Ishibashi, has a thorough knowledge of patternmaking, and I feel that the pants are filled with ingenuity to create a generous room between the body and the fabric, making them comfortable to wear and making the shape of the pants look beautiful.

Since the pants are made of cotton fabric, which is light and can be worn regardless of the outside temperature. Plus, they make casual sweatshirts and T-shirts look mature because they are single pleated and center creased.

The patch is made with SAKIORI, which is also KUON's signature fabric. The color palette of the SAKIORI in this collection is soft and neutral, based on the beauty of nature, as stated in the concept of SS21 collection "Kachofugetsu".

The designer's attention to detail has been put into the minor aspects of the product, which is sure to appeal to men's hearts.


"SASHIKO Trimmed Chore Coat" made of the same fabric as "Belted CHINO Pants" introduced here is also available at the store. It also shows Ishibashi's close attention to the details such as SASHIKO hand stitching, grosgrain tape on the back of the cuffs and hem, and so on...If yo would like to know more about it, just drop in.

Happy Lunar new year!



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